603 E 69th St Savannah, GA 31405 | P: 912-629-0444 | F: 912-629-0443

Monday-Friday: 9:00 a.m.-6:30 p.m. | Saturday-Sunday: Closed

*Note: Closed daily for lunch from 1:15-1:45 p.m.*


Stop counting calories

Reducing your caloric intake has long been the gold standard among weight loss. However, experts at Harvard suggest that there is more to weight loss than cutting calories.

mRNA Vaccines

mRNA Vaccines, like the COVID-19 vaccines, are a new approach to vaccinations. Learn more about how these vaccines work.

Common Nutritional Deficiencies

Vitamins and supplements can be overwhelming. We look at different common nutritional deficiencies, and the vitamins and supplements used to combat them.

Erectile Dysfunction

Erectile Dysfunction is a persistent issue that can lead many men to feel stress and a loss of self confidence. We explore possible causes, risk factors, and treatment options.

Low Dose Naltrexone

Low Dose Naltrexone is a prescription medication that helps regulate a dysfunctional immune system. It is commonly used for chronic pain and autoimmune disorders.

Chronic Pain and LDN

Chronic pain is a mentally and physically draining condition. Low dose Naltrexone (LDN) may alleviate pain due to the increase in endorphins in the body.

Fibromyalgia and LDN

Fibromyalgia is a chronic condition characterized by muscle and joint pain. However, it can be accompanied by a variety of other symptoms. LDN blocks certain receptors that leads to an increase in endorphins which can result in reduced pain.

Autoimmune Diseases

Autoimmune diseases occur when our immune system mistakenly attacks our body. There are many different types of autoimmune diseases including Hashimoto's disease, psoriasis, and Crohn's disease. LDN helps to regulate a dysfunctional immune system.

Hashimoto's Disease and LDN

Hashimoto's disease is an autoimmune disease that affects the thyroid gland. The immune system mistakenly attacks the thyroid causing inflammation which can lead to an underactive thyroid. It is the leading cause of hypothyroidism in the United States.

Rheumatoid Arthritis and LDN

Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disorder that causes chronic inflammation, particularly in the lining of joints. However, it can also affect other parts of the body. It affects approximately 1.3 million people in the United States.

Multiple Sclerosis and LDN

Multiple Sclerosis is a potentially debilitating disease that affects the central nervous system. In MS, the myelin sheath, which is the protective coating of nerve fibers, is damaged and in some cases destroyed. The location of the nerve damage will affect the systems of the body that are comprised.

Psoriasis and LDN

Psoriasis is an autoimmune disease that speeds up the growth cycle of skin cells leading to red, itchy scaly patches, most commonly on the knees, elbows, trunk and scalp.  It tends to go through cycles, flaring for a few weeks or months, then subsiding for a while or going into remission. Treatments and lifestyle remedies are available to help you manage symptoms.

Crohn's Disease and LDN

Crohn's disease is a type of inflammatory bowel disease. It predominantly affects the colon (large intestine) and the last part of the small intestine (ileum). It causes inflammation in these areas that can lead to pain, severe diarrhea, fatigue, weight loss, and malnutrition. Treatment can lead to a reduction of symptoms and even bring about long-term remission.

Macronutrients - Protein

Macronutrients are the nutrients that our bodies need in larger amounts and includes fats, proteins, and carbohydrates. Protein is essential to our overall health. Over 10,000 proteins make us who we are and keep us that way. Protein is found in virtually every tissue.

Macronutrients - Carbohydrates

Carbohydrates are one of the macronutrients that we need for proper functioning of our bodies. Carbs are sugar molecules that are broken down into glucose when digested. Glucose is the main source of energy in the body. Our latest blog post delves into carbs and their sources, the daily amount we need, and low-carb diets.

Macronutrients - Fats

Fat is a macronutrient that our bodies need in large amounts to function properly. Other macronutrients include protein and carbohydrates. Fat acts as an energy source and aids in the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins. This week's blog post discusses the types of fats and their food sources.


Micronutrients is a term for vitamins and minerals. We need them in smaller amounts than macronutrients, like proteins, carbohydrates, and fats. Different animals and plants contain different vitamins and minerals, so a varied diet is needed to ensure that you are getting all of the necessary micronutrients.